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Ice skating rink and bowling Duinkerke
Bowling or skating? It’s possible in Duinkerke. Show your skills on the ice. Or just throw a strike. The perfect place to have a great day.
The fort of Leffrinckoucke
The Fort of Leffrinckoucke is a remarkable example of military architecture from general Séré de Rivières. It was built in 1878, at the same time as the Zuydcoote Battery, in order to protect Dunkirk and its port from attacks.
The Palace of the Universe and Sciences (PLUS)
Visit the Palace of the Universe and Sciences and follow the guide on an amazing journey to the centre of life, earth and the universe!
Zoo Fort-Mardyck
Enjoy a visit to the Bio-Topia Zoo in Fort-Mardyck, only a few kilometres from Dunkirk. More than 50 different species await you!
Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis
In Bergues, only a 25 minutes drive away from Bray-Dunes, you can go on a real Ch’ti tour! During this tour, you’ll visit the most emblematic locations of the movie, you’ll get everything to know about Philippe and Antoine and you’ll hear plenty of funny anecdotes… The tour takes approximately 1,5h. Afterwards, you can ofcourse buy a “Ch’ti biloute” or a “Ch’ti” bread.
Le Touquet–Paris-Plage
Le Touquet-Paris-Plage is een pittoresk en elegant badplaatsje en tevens een gemeente in het Franse departement Pas-de-Calais aan de Franse Opaalkust waar de rivier de Canche uitmondt in zee.